How It Works

Senior Living Consultants is a FREE Referral and Placement Agency

Three Easy Steps


A consultant will meet with you or fill out a brief evaluation over the phone. They will discuss what changes are going on in your life and determine what type of Assisted Living Community will meet your needs. They will then assess what you are able to do independently and will be able determine if you are able to meet the requirements for an Assisted Living Community. In the event that you do not meet the requirements, we will take the time to discuss further options.


We will discuss your finances to help fit you with the appropriate community that fits your budget. We will also discuss financial resources that can save you money if you qualify.


We will talk about the area you were most interested in living. Together we will choose 3-4 communities to tour. We will schedule a tour and drive you to see the options we have chosen.
After you have had a chance to discuss the options we have shown you we can help with the medical paperwork to help facilitate your move. Senior Living Consultants will also provide excellent referrals for: In-Home Care Agencies, Moving companies, Elder law Attorneys, Estate Planners, Veteran’s Assistance, and Skilled Nursing Homes.

Contact Us for FREE Information on Senior Living Options.